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Political Economy Research Institute at MTSU

PERI Commentary

PERI Commentary provides expert insight and scholarly opinions from members of MTSU faculty and staff presented to further the understanding of business and economic principles and their impact on regional, national, and international financial conditions and the well-being of society.

2020 Series

“Another overlooked day for celebrating freedom: The end of American slavery”

By John Vile, Ph.D.

“Community policing needs local oversight”

By Ennio Piano, Ph.D.

“Tennessee legislative efforts improving local government internal controls”

By Ashley Nipper and Tammy Waymire, Ph.D.

“Keep federal hands out of our local purse”

By Daniel J. Smith, Ph.D.

“Carnival barkers: A hard lesson on why fiscal responsibility matters”

By Daniel J. Smith, Ph.D.

“Careless acts of corruption: Disaster relief continually falls into the wrong hands”

By Daniel J. Smith, Ph.D.

“In a disaster or crisis, cut the red tape”

By Daniel J. Smith, Ph.D. and Brian Delaney

“The Coronavirus effect on college admissions”

By John Vile, Ph.D.

“Lessons learned in disaster recovery”

By Daniel J. Smith, Ph.D. and Brian Delaney

“TN Public Pensions Savidge”

* Permission to reprint articles in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and the Political Economy Research Institute are properly cited.

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