Political Economy Research Institute at MTSU
Job Market Candidates
PERI Ph.D. job market candidates currently available for interviews
Nicholas A. Jensen
Fields: public choice, law and economics, and history of economic thought
Nicholas A. Jensen is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Middle Tennessee State University, specializing in public choice, law and economics, and the history of economic thought. His research has been featured in journals like The Journal of the History of Economic Thought and History of Political Economy, with ongoing work examining the effects of prosecutorial turnover on criminal case outcomes and marketplace discrimination. Nicholas has presented his research at prominent academic conferences, including the Southern Economic Association and the American Law & Economics Association. He is also a recipient of the APEE 2024 Young Scholar’s Award and the 2023-2024 Mercatus Frédéric Bastiat Fellowship.
Patricia J. Hummel
Fields: agricultural economics, public choice, public policy, financial education
Patricia J. Hummel is a Ph.D. candidate at Middle Tennessee State University, specializing in agricultural economics, public choice, public policy, and financial education. Her research has been featured in the Journal of Financial Education. Ongoing research includes the analysis of tobacco subsidy termination through the Stigler-Peltzman theory of regulation, the effects of the termination, and the subsequent buyout payments, on tobacco production in the United States, and the financial literacy and business factors that determine the tax distinctions of farmers. Patricia has presented her work at conferences such as Public Choice, the Southern Economic Association, and the upcoming Southern Agricultural Economic Association meeting.