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Political Economy Research Institute at MTSU

AIER Bastiat Society: “How Fixing Education in TN Makes Us Freer and More Prosperous” with Justin Owen

January 17, 2023

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville hosted an in-person event at the Richland Country Club in Nashville on Jan. 17, 2023 with Justin Owen, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Beacon Center of Tennessee and Beacon Impact.  This event was sponsored by the Political Economy Research Institute at MTSU.

About the Event: Few things are more important than a quality education. By fixing education, we can reduce poverty, government dependence, and crime, and increase overall prosperity. Learn what Tennessee is doing to improve its long-failing education system by empowering parents with transparency, accountability, and access to quality options.About the Speaker: Justin Owen is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Beacon Center of Tennessee and Beacon Impact. He advances the strategic growth and mission of both organizations. In his time as president & CEO of Beacon, Justin has helped bring about Tennessee’s first-ever private school choice program, stop an expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare, usher in comprehensive tort reform, scale back government licensing red tape, and assisted in the repeal of collective bargaining by government unions.

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